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ë @ T (28) The total CO2 consumption rate can be derived from the experimentally measured CO2 reduction activity, including the total current density (j) and the Faradaic efficiency (FE) for each product, via N ¼ È Ë ç â ç Ô ß L l F (p Í ( ' Ü∙ Ü V. Jun 23, 18 · Scalability Measurement of Business Process Model Using Business Processes Similarity and Complexity Muhammad Ainul Yaqin1, Riyanarto Sarno2, AbdCharis Fauzan3 1,2,3Informatics Department, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember 1Informatics Department, State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim 1yaqin16@mhsifitsacid, 2riyanarto@ifitsacid,. ¦ è · ë µ ñ < % k = PJ ¤ ¥ u PJ ¤ Ö PJ ¥ û = P/ ^ i ñ P/ Ö u < % k ¤ u Î Ï V \ q ¥ ¤ ¦ è · ë Ü ¢ µ ñ ç Æ Ñ ¨ ñ ¦ è · ë Ü ¢ µ ñ s b q PJ û P ¥ k ö = õ ó µ Ý ã ê ½6LP0DQ * y Æ K u Õ ë ® ç Þ.
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