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Y Ú æ / a y \Ô ù * Ô µ \â\Ø v ­\ TWd \Ø þ ¯\ TWd ð;. Share your videos with friends, family, and the world. QA LabPoliInfo3 tSZ í ðq t w 0 ÇZ 9Â Êy0 G¶ yasuhiro@isnagoyauacjp æ 9 J G¶ kimura@resotaruucacjp L æ ó?.

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F" 0 ¥ T w q !. Y w $ * % C w ¹ T w 6 U ­ ­ ú g ¶ ¯ µ y y b y > y y / The Meaning of Work Experience in Career Education From the perspective of Legitimate Peripheral Participation Hironori YOSHIDA Summary yRecently in Japan, most secondary schools are conducting work experience in career education To clarify its meaning, this study reviews the history of career education in Japan first On this. A method to guarantee the right to existence of nation isn t to systematize the social security policies and social welfare policies concretely, but is to promote the Keynesian full employment policies when comparing the Keynesian economics with the policy thoughts of Tanzan ISHIBASHI administration Keywords the Keynesian economics¢ ­ ï ¶ & A ¶ £the policy thoughts of T anzan.

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