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Xcv pgo. Where the plusminus symbol "±" indicates that the quadratic equation has two solutions Written separately, they become = = Each of these two solutions is also called a root (or zero) of the quadratic equation Geometrically, these roots represent the xvalues at which any parabola, explicitly given as y = ax 2 bx c, crosses the xaxis As well as being a formula that yields the. S T K G >/ º S b È = \ 3Q K Z s \ V8 @ Ð ¼ « Ï å º. Æ b Ý « ¥ î ¸ å ¢ d d í9P S Æ x34 Æ b n ¼ í8Õ 75 F b S u 9P'F _3ñ Â b Å ½ î Ý î ¸ å 0¿*( í9P'F b Ý ¥ î Ý ® b0¿*(>& «9P í1Ï j9P>' í 9P b º Þ Y8 _ ® /%¼;¯ ö í 9P b º Þ Æ Á å » » Û Ö î b Q#Ý F d.
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Links with this icon indicate that you are leaving the CDC website The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cannot attest to the accuracy of a nonfederal website Linking to a nonfederal website does not constitute an endorsement by CDC or any of its employees of the sponsors or the information and products presented on the website. < Z A ¬ !. %4 >%,> '¨ '¨ '¨ '¨ '¨ '¨ '¨ '¨ '¨ '¨ '¨ '¨ ~ Ì.
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