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0106 · The multipole interaction can also be judged by this equation (Tian et al, 11) (5) l o g I x = AQ 3 log x, A = log Klog β The relation between lgI/x and lgx of LTWOSm 3 phosphors is displayed in Fig 7(b), which indicates that the slope of lgI/x to lgx is −6 Afterward, Q is equal to 618, which is close to 6. ² ) Ó Û \ U æ å § b @#Õ B Widefield free viewpoint image based on extrinsic calibration of a 3D laser scanner and an omnidirectional camera. 772 ⁄¯Ô„Ô¡ »Ł•ÕŁ 27 '”Ñ”•ÕŁ 10 µØ¯Ò⁄` 2554 ˝Ñ¡à˚” (laryngitis) ”˙`Æ·§ à¡Ô·µØ‹`•ÕŁ˚Ò´à˚Õ´§ (vocal nodule) ˚Ò´à˚Õ´§¡ç¤—ä`‹˚Ò`Òˆ¶¯Ôµà˚Õ´§•ÕŁ`Õ.
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