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· « Ø ï À ï = · Ê = * 4 Ø û ª ï · ¨ # ª û Ø f 4 Ø û Leaving No One and No Place Behind Chapter 5 The opportunities offered by cities lend a social value to urbanization When cities are wellplanned and managed, they can lift families out of poverty, liberate women from genderbased discrimination, point to bright futures for children and youth, offer comforts and supports. ¨ û « ê Ø û Ë 4 Ó · À ï = · Ê = * 4 Ø û ª ï · ¨ # ª û Ø f 4 Ø û Chapter 2 When wellplanned and managed, cities create value, which is the totality of the economic, social, environmental and intangible conditions (institutional, governance, political, cultural and civic perception) outcomes that have the potential to improve quality of life of residents in meaningful. D Ú 4 l 4 " 9 Û ê & é " e A Ä Ã Ã ² £ z B = 9 Þ ¢ ê E .
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