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CAT News Special Issue 1 – Arabian Leopard 11 Status of the Arabian Leopard in Saudi Arabia Jacky Judas1, P Paillat1, A Khoja2 & Ahmed Boug2 1 National Avian Research Center, EAD, PO Box , Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates 2 National Wildlife Research Center, PO Box 1086 Taif, Saudi Arabia The historic range of the Arabian Leopard presumably extended over. ò ç í ® Ü ß Þ ó î ¤ í Ú ô · à Á ß á í ³ ß ³ ³ ã ß Ý ó ³ á Å ç ß ð à Ë Ø Ó ã ß Ý ó ã £. à{ß ç à·Ö®ÎÜaÕãØ$æ¶Òaѵà{Ô å Ú{Î(Ô Î(ßÖ ÎÑ Õ4Ö Ò$ÜaÓ ÓÑ Ð Ú{ÎÕiÖ Ò Ö Û ÎyÏ=ÒaÔ$â å àÚ{Î(Ñ®à{ßÖ Û Î¹æ¶ÒAÑ Ô/Ò æIÛ à{ç Û£â ÚÎî ÎÚ\è Õ Ø£ÕkÖ Î(Ô$âPÕãåQÎÏ(à·õNϹÏ7Û ÎGÏ7ëâ.
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