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French orthography encompasses the spelling and punctuation of the French languageIt is based on a combination of phonemic and historical principles The spelling of words is largely based on the pronunciation of Old French c 1100–10 CE and has stayed more or less the same since then, despite enormous changes to the pronunciation of the language in the intervening years. >/8o _ V F Ç Ý Å ¼ ¡ 4Ä M c è >08o é ê >08o >18o >28o, K C c>48o ë >08o ì j c í _ V F w B ( \ ì _4Ä K Z c ^ } ^ 8 >1>' 9/² b ê >/8o _ V F w B ( \ ê >08o _ V F w B ( ì _4Ä K Z c ^ } ^ 8 >&>0>' w B ( b (5 >' ¹3û ¦8o , x c _ > 8 Z c ð Ø r S. >&>0>' G r b%Ê'2 B Ý b 0 Ñ p ( Ê p _2( M a æ p Û È Û Ü 8 B K G b Û È Û Ü ì "@ c Á « Ý î É µ º « ¡ Ü î ½ å ¢ _ > 8 Z ¸ $, Û*f _ ~ I } _ Q b ¸>' w M G \ & 1 Ñ#Ø.
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