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G E N D R • S L Æ R Redux 1,223 likes · 2 talking about this I make glitch art I sometimes make music I also film shows in Baltimore if my mental illness lets me out of the house they/them. Æ µ s%Ê $ ( fÜf« Ë è s6Û%Ê geg{g>gwgn z ö =fÃh 2( qh h g"f¸ Û m*ñ $ ( fÜf« Ë è s6Û%Ê g9gxg;gsgwgnfÃh 2( q>Ì>Þh g"g føg fïf¹ z ö =fÿ 0¿0 ófúfùg" µg %Ê h h %Ê fþ 7 >Ì >Ô>Ý>Õ &É% f¸8o% fþ%Ê gzgggy fþ>ß 7ufû *ofçfïf¹d!fÿ ÿ ý 80 f¸ / , ¯ fþ 80 f¸g>gwgn ,. X Z ^ 8 g ± ^ _ Ý » ) î S K r K { l!.
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26/02/21 · æ (upper case Æ) Antepenultimate letter of the Norwegian alphabet, coming after Z and before Ø Pronoun æ I (firstperson singular personal pronoun)(dialectal, mostly found in Trøndelag, northern Norway, and parts of western and southern Norway). '¨ G ¥ ° / 'ö U)z%Ê'2 £ f b H L Æ # ¦6× 7÷ ,q '¨ G ¥ ° / 'ö U)z%Ê'2 W0° b ô C £ f K r K S 0° '¨ G%Ê'2 6×>8 ¸#ã G U)z4 ø M 5>& j4 6×>' £ %4 ñ4 w !. ` Í U l h {.
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Ö ó ïúð ¤ É ç ª Æ Ê » ¶ Ö ó ïúð Û > °. In the Nordic countries, the vowel sound æ was originally written as "Æ" when Christianisation caused the former Vikings to start using the Latin alphabet around AD 1100 The letter Ä arose in German and later in Swedish from originally writing the E in AE on top of the A, which with time became simplified as two dots. Title Microsoft Word ä¸ ç ä¹¾ç ¬ã ã ¼ã 㠬㠹㠪㠪㠼㠹_FINAL_wc Author nyoneyama Created Date.
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