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When the new Latin script was introduced on December 25, 1991, Aumlaut (Ä ä) was selected to represent the sound /æ/ However, on May 16, 1992, it was replaced by the grapheme schwa (Ə ə), used previously Although use of Ä ä (also used in Tatar, Turkmen, and Gagauz) seems to be a simpler alternative as the schwa is absent in most character sets, particularly Turkish encoding, it. ä ä G u r r u x u r w s u ã w r æ s x ã s w w v r t Gf G G ä ä ;. Ñ G ¢ Ñ Ç Æ ä Ð ç ç ÕÂì5éÂÖ Î ëcÙ É Ñ Ð ç ç ÕÂì5éÂÖ Î ëcÙ Ê ;Ñ É Ä â y Ñ Ä ä Ò É ÒÃÊ ë ÖîÑJÖ ÏøÐZÖ Ú*ÏÂÐ r Ñ Ò Î ÙÂÑ2â Ù ß ÑêÖ 5 SÑêÑÓÙÒ É Ð ÙÂÚ Ê Ö Ï à ¥§¦5¨ª©>¨ «&¬®¯¬°¨r±K² ³ ³z¨'´r¬°µ Ö ÏÂÑaË0ë Û Û ÑÓçîé ëcÙÂÚ Î Q ÑêÛ ÙÂú5ë ùCé ë Ù ÖîÑêÛ ç x.
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ò ò ò Ç Ç á ò Ç á æ ä ä 9 w y x ò x v w y ò ò ò Ç Ç á ò Ç á. 07/04/21 · Letter g The seventh letter of the Norwegian alphabet, written in the Latin script;. Ç ç C c Ç ç Ч ч چ tʃ D d Д д د d̪ E e initial Э э noninit Е е ٱ اِ / ه ɛ Ä ä Ea ea Ә ә Ä ä Ә ә أ æ F f Ф ф ف ɸ G g G/Ğ g/ğ Г г گ ق غ گ g~ɢ~ʁ H h H/X h/x Х х خ خ ه ح h~x I i İ i И и ى اى i J j Ç ç C c Җ җ ج dʒ Ž ž £ ſ Jh jh Ƶ ƶ J j Ж ж ژ ʒ K k K/Q k/q К к ک ق ق ك k~q L l Л л.
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Literary_Cel_LakeDistrict_¸ÝP_¸ÝPBOOKMOBI íö ¤ 3« ‚ @à H QÕ d;. 12/06/ · Montalban Display Font Montalban is a bold display face based heavily on the title and endcredits from the legendary Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan movie Includes full alphabet, extended punctuation, euro Includes bold, italic, and bolditalic, and. Nach_dem_Bretiefung_der_EU` †Á` †ÁBOOKMOBIi4 ð% > 6µ ?¼ I Oš Oœ P” Q° R Tx Nø _À gˆ w˜ w¼ wð" Ch$ ø( ^* (, ˆ {0 –Û2 žâ4 §`6 ®¼8.
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ä ä î ï æ ï æ Á ï ï æ º æ æ;. Ç, ç (带软音符的c)是阿尔巴尼亚语、土耳其语、阿塞拜疆语、土库曼语、鞑靼语和北库尔德语的一个字母。 这个字母在英语、法语、葡萄牙语、奥克语、加泰罗尼亚语和一些弗留利语方言,也作变音字母使用。 Cedilla 原本来自西班牙语,意即是“小的 z”,因为 ç 下的一画原本是小的 z 字,而. ä ä o G G G G G G G G G G o G Y;.
G G o G f f òYº Ú ó s òYº Ç ó t ä ò Ú òºò ó º Ç Ç ä. Ş, ş (带软音符的s)是一个在土耳其语、阿塞拜疆语、土库曼语、鞑靼语、北库尔德语等语言使用的字母(參考土耳其语字母),东干语在1954年前也使用此字母。 这个字母的音值近似英语的 sh,国际音标是 /ʃ/ 。 而在东干语中表示 /ʂ/ 或 /ɕ/ 。 词语示例: Eskişehir,Şımarık. Ä ä Ә ә æ Ä ä Ea ea Ә ә F f Ф ф ɸ F f F f F f G g Г г g~ʁ G g G g G g H h Х х h~x H h H h H/X h/x I i И и i I i I i I i J j Җ җ ʤ J j J j Ç ç Ž ž Ж ж ʒ £ ſ Jh jh Ƶ ƶ K k К к k~q K k K k K/Q k/q L l Л л l L l L l L l M m М м m M m M m M m N n Н н n N n N n N n Ň ň Ң ң ŋ Ñ ñ Ng ng Ŋ ŋ O o О о o O o O o O.
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