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N o begin by sliding the 0032" diameter wire through two of the holes (left) that are 180° apart twist the wire as shown (below) using safety wire pliers now slide one wire through two of the holes (180° apart) and wrap the other wire around the bolt twist the wires together to form a pigtail. H e _ _ b d h _ i j b \ e _ q _ g b w d k i _ j l h \ i h q j _ a \ u q Z c g u f k b l m Z p b, h j Z g b a Z p b b \ k _ _ k l d q _ f m ^ \ b Z l WFP/EBA/18/6H/1 5. Staining electron microscopy of samples from casepatient 3 (D) and casepatient 5 (E, F) show ovoid particles ( ≈250 nm long, 150 nm wide) with a crisscross appearance;.
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